Lady Gaga is not happy with Fox. On Wednesday night, "American Idol" aired nearly five minutes of Gaga's pre-taped performance of her latest single "Alejandro," complete with a grand finale that involved Gaga posing under a dripping statue of a burning angel. But apparently that wasn't enough for the star, who took to her official Twitter to complain: "FOX POORLY AMATEURLY edited cut my performance/musical arrangement on idol." Gaga then directed fans to the "real" version on Perez Hilton's blog. The blog Idol Tracker was at the taping last week, and reported that the studio audience was forced to stay in their seats over an hour and a half later than expected because of Gaga's repeated practice sessions, though they say the star was appreciative of the audience's sacrifice.
Gaga's performance was risqué as usual, but the segment was most likely edited for length, as "Idol" is frequently criticized for going over their allotted time. Fox has not commented about the performance.
Here's the version that appeared on "American Idol" -- it begins with a slow version of Gaga's hit "Bad Romance" and then segues into "Alejandro":
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